Thursday, February 21, 2013

Where You Never Have to Leave

Today is our last full day at our favorite vacation spot.  We've been coming here for almost 18 years now.  In recent years, we have been blessed to enjoy a week in the winter and a week in the summer.  I may be biased, but I think Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina is one of the most beautiful places in the world.  Kathy and I love the ocean, and always find this place inspirational.

My favorite day here is the day we arrive.  I love seeing this place again, enjoying the beauty and serenity.  Plus, I know we have the whole week ahead of us.  Each day, I find myself counting how many days we have left.  I do it every trip, and I did it again this time.  We have our favorite lunch spots, breakfast spots, golf courses, and frankly we just love to spend time at the house and at the beach.  We also enjoy the opportunity to minister at the Ocean Isle Beach Chapel.

Today as I was thinking about leaving tomorrow, I realized I rarely leave this place without tears in my eyes.  I'm grateful for having had one more week here.  I'm thanking God for things He has said to me, and I know I will miss this place again.  Don't get me wrong - I love Syracuse, I love home, and I love my family and my church family.  I'm very grateful for the ministry we have the privilege of sharing in and I'm excited about the days ahead.

It hit me today that one of the many blessings of heaven is that we will never have to leave there!  It will be the most beautiful place - by far - we have ever seen.  The most amazing person is there we have ever known - the Lord!!!  Our labors, toils, and burdens will be gone, and there will be no sickness and no death.  What an amazing place it is I am sure.

That having been said, I want to live every day to the fullest here, learn the lessons I need to learn, and tell more people about Jesus.  Because I also know that heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.  You won't get there without knowing Jesus.  He is the way, the truth and the life.  Surrender your life to Him today.  Turn from sin, trust the Savior and surrender your life to Him.  Invite Him into your life and trust Him as Lord.

I dread saying goodbye to our vacation spot tomorrow.  I am however, looking forward to more days of ministry in Liverpool.  And this I know for sure - one day - because of what Jesus did - I will be in a place far better and I will never have to leave!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Knowing the What but missing the Who

For too long we have turned discipleship into what you know.  Pilate asked 'What is truth?'  The real question as one of my professors (Dr. David Wheeler) has said is 'Who is truth?'  That's the question Pilate needed answered!  Jesus said, 'I am the the way, the truth, and the life.'  (John 14:6).  Spiritual growth is important and necessary, but Christianity is at the root a relationship.

I love to read, and have benefited form many books and have a stack on a desk I'm working at right now.  However, when God chose to speak the most personally to us - He became a man and dwelt among us.  I am learning that the reason so many people get frustrated in life and in ministry is because they focus on the 'what' instead of the 'who'.

The Lord promises Himself to His people.  Fall in love with Him again.  Embrace the love, joy and peace that come from knowing Him.  Bring people to Jesus, and encourage them to bring people to Jesus, who will bring people to Jesus.  Multiply the impact.  At the end of the day, it's all about Jesus.  What a Savior!