Tuesday, August 16, 2011


When it comes to keeping the fire burning, we all need rest.  The Bible tells us in Mark 6:31, ‘He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a remote place and rest a while.”  For many people were coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.’  It has been said that the person who burns the candle at both ends is not as smart as he thinks he is.  It seems that in this world people either tend to be workaholics or lazy.  Few find the appropriate balance of a healthy life.  I can even recall those who would say, ‘I would rather burn out than rust out!’  The problem with that is that either way – you are out! 

I’ve preached a lot of funerals in my life and ministry.  I’ve watched families gather and mourn not only the loss of a loved one but sometimes also audibly reflect on the fact that it is too bad it takes a death to get families together.  That has made an impact on me.  I have found myself encouraging families not to wait until funerals to gather together.  Make memories now.  Cherish the present and give thanks for all God has done and is doing. 

Recently, I experienced the joy of our entire family gathering for vacation.  We are in that in-between stage.  The oldest of our children is married.  In fact the oldest two are out of college and both getting on with their lives.  The third will be a senior in college and we have one in middle school.  Our four children and our son-in-law are a huge blessing from the Lord.  For years we have been gathering at an island in North Carolina for vacation.  It’s been every year since 1995.  As the kids got older, there were times that one or the other could not join us. 

This year we made an effort to all be there and the reward was amazing.  I’m so thankful for a family that loves the Lord and loves each other.  We are each different, but all very much the same.  We help each other be stronger.  We learn from each other.  We listen to each other.  We grow together.  Whether it was time at the beach, time together around a meal, time of worship at the chapel, time at the golf course, watching a movie, or putting a puzzle together, moments and conversations were shared that will last yet another year.  At times it was a walk together with a family member, or a bike ride.  I cherished every minute.

So here’s the deal.  We need to be diligent in our life, ministry and our work.  We also need to know how to gather for times of renewal, refreshing and rest.  If you don’t the fire will go out and you will need a restart which isn’t always easy.  Don’t lose hope.  Make some plans now for 2012.  It will be here sooner than you know it.  A close friend of mine asked me about vacation as soon as we got back.  He then asked me, so what are your plans for your next vacation?  That’s what good friends do.  They remind you to get on the calendar, next year’s plan.  Ours is already on the calendar.  I encourage you to do the same. 

Next year we will have yet another family member with us, our first grandchild!  That baby was with us this year – we just haven’t met the child yet!!!  The journey continues.  It’s a good journey, and I am grateful. 


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