Sunday, April 7, 2013

West Point, Day 2 - More Soldiers

We visited West Point for the second day on Saturday of this week.  We were to meet up with the young captain who would be marrying his bride later that day.  His face was full of smiles, and his heart seemed full of joy.  I love to watch the Lord bring together a godly man and a godly woman and join their lives together.  Two are better than one and a three fold cord is not easily broken.  A husband, wife and Jesus is a three fold cord not easily broken.

There was a surprise to our day.  For Kathy and I, it was a God moment.  We had learned from a Northside Mom, that one of her three grown sons was now a freshman at West Point and wanted to connect with us while we were there.  I gave her my contact information and I soon got a call from him.  I told him we were headed to the campus and he said he would meet us there.  Within fifteen minutes we shared a happy reunion with this young soldier.  Having taken 'the windshield tour' the night before, we walked the campus with a 25 year old Captain who had graduated in '09, and a 'plebe' in his freshman year.

It was remarkable.  One was filled with excitement, knowledge and anticipation.  He's already a good soldier, and I have every confidence will be a great soldier.  The other is a graduate, an army ranger, has served for a year deployed to difficult areas, and just made Captain.  In fact, just over three weeks after his wedding day, he will be deployed for a second time, and his wife will be deployed later this summer.  Pray for them both please.  This soldier's mood was somber but also strong and deliberate.  He, too, is a great soldier.

We strolled the campus.  We saw the parade field, classroom buildings, dorm buildings, and numerous statues that serve as reminders of strong leaders in our nation's history.  We saw Washington on his horse, then there was Douglas MacArthur, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and General George S. Patton.  We found powerful quotes etched in stone, and witnessed the combination of amazing history and a hopeful present.

I have never served in the United States military, but have always had the deep respect for those who have and do.  When three soldiers walked in Northside almost three years ago, I had no idea they would all become life long friends.  They had driven almost an hour and a half to church that day - one way - and continued to do that.  I've learned a lot from them.  The day I met them, the Lord whispered to my heart - you need to be more like a soldier.  Paul wrote to Timothy about that in the New Testament.

What I learned about that this weekend is that there have been many soldiers in the battles in the past, there are some with great seasoning today.  Others are established but earlier in their careers, and then there is the vibrancy, intellect and enthusiasm of a first year student at West Point that gives me hope for the future of my country.

Lord - make us all faithful soldiers!!!

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