Thursday, May 14, 2015


This morning I went to the gym.  That's not out of the ordinary.  I try to get there four or five days a week.  I call it temple maintenance.  The Bible reminds us that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and thought bodily exercise is not the most important thing in life, it is important.  For me it matters for my health and quality of life.

Today as I was working out on an elliptical machine, it appeared that it was lit up with green as I was looking at the data concerning my workout while I was working out. That was totally different from anything I had ever seen before and I've been on those machines many times.  The machine is sort of gray/black.  It has the data in color as you workout (red or orange I think) - but the whole thing looked green - like neon green.  Then it hit me - that was the color of my shirt and it was reflected on the machine off the sunlight through the front windows.

Instantly I thought of how I want my life this day and in the days ahead to reflect Christ as surely as my shirt was reflecting green from the sunlight back onto the machine.  It was a bit surreal.  Today may we reflect the love of Christ, His truth and grace in everything we do, all for His glory.

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