Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Teach Us To Number Our Days

This week has been a week of ups and downs.  Monday I learned mid-afternoon of a very sudden death within our church family.  In a phone call later that night I spoke with a man who had just become a widower.  His wife of more than 25 years, had suddenly died.  One minute he was talking with her.  The next minute she was with Jesus.  He never saw it coming.  I sat in that home yesterday joined by two staff members, and we ministered to a grieving family.  They all know Jesus, so there was tremendous hope in that room.

Later in the day I received a call from a member who’s son is battling colon cancer.  Today we visited him.  At the age of 38, he is fighting for his life, with a supportive wife close by his side.  The pain in that room was palpable, but Christ was there too, and His peace was evident even in the midst of their storm.

Next, I went to a hospital here in Syracuse to make a visit to celebrate with a family.  A young husband and wife were rejoicing over the arrival of their brand new baby boy.  That man is one of my prayer warriors, who holds me up to the Lord daily.  What a thrill to rejoice with him over this great blessing in their lives. 

Later in the day, I went to visit my mother in assisted living.  I had some things to bring to her and when I arrived and was signing the logbook into the home, the receptionist said, ‘Hi, Bruce.  Your Mom is at Bible Study.’  She then pointed me in the direction, and as I arrived the gathering was just disbanding.  While visiting her she opened her Bible and asked me about a passage she had read earlier.  My Mom still wants to keep growing, and moving forward with the Lord even in her later years.  I love that.  I love her.

Now back to the start of my day.  My day started with my wife and I taking our youngest daughter to school.  She’s in 11th grade.  It hardly seems possible.  It seems like a couple of years ago she was born.  Oh how the years go by . . . I’m going to blink and we will be taking her to college. 

I’m now back at my office and getting back to working on this weekend’s message.  This whole week and my day have reminded me that every day is a gift from God.  My challenge to you is to not get so caught up in whatever is on your mind or distracting you that you miss the blessings of the moment right in front of you.  Cherish every day. 

The Bible says, ‘Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.’  Psalm 90:12, HCSB

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