Friday, April 29, 2016

Reflections on a Mission Trip

Reflections on a Mission Trip

When I was in seminary, we sang the alma mater every Tuesday in chapel – for three school years.  ‘To all the world for Jesus sake, where bodies hurt and sad hearts ache, lift high the cross, His love proclaim, Mid-America bear His name.’  When I met Jesus, He did something in my heart that placed in me a longing for others to know Him – both near and far.  Those three years in Memphis, Tennessee at Mid-America Seminary fueled that passion.  While at times it may have waned, it has never died out and this week the flame got fueled again. 

I’ve had the privilege of serving in many states and communities in the United States.  In 1983, I began to be more intentional in international ministry.  I traveled to Brazil and ministered there for 8 days.  In 1986, I preached in Venezuala for 8 days.  In 2000, I taught at a leadership academy in Nicaragua.  In 2011, I ministered with Northsiders in Bulgaria, and was blessed to encourage many who serve the Lord there.  It’s all been a huge privilege for the glory of God.

This past week, I got back on the trail.  I travelled this week with a group of 21, many of whom call Northside home, to the Dominican Republic.  Part of the DNA of Northside is missions – near and far.  One of our staff members, is also a missionary with Score International.  We’ve had a lot of great teams led by a lot of great people at Northside, but I have to give a shout out to Joe Salvagni.  He does a remarkable job leading a team with a huge servant’s heart. 

Here’s a brief review of the trip. 

Sunday – we left New York and flew to the Dominican.  We arrived, settled in, had a group meeting and prepared for the week. 

Monday – I was blessed to go to a village – San Jose – and teach 10 students for about 3-4 hours concerning ministry.  7 were leaders from the DR and 3 were students here from the United States on a year’s study.  I love pastors and leaders and it was an honor to share that time together with a rock star missionary by the name of Craig McClure as my interpreter.  Our team went to Josiah’s House – a boy’s home where they began the facelift of a church facility – both inside and out.  They did an amazing job.  The Lord used them greatly. 

Tuesday – The team went back to Josiah’s House and continued some remarkable work on the church and ministered at the home.  I went back to Craig’s village and taught a group of 6 young men from the DR for about 3 more hours.  Craig then showed me some of the Major League Baseball team headquarters here for the Dominican league.  We saw the Yankees, Rockies, Mets and Nationals fields.  Amazing.  Craig works with Baseball Chapel as chaplain to the Rockies.  One of his pastors is the chaplain for the Yankees.  Amazingly, I’ve had the privilege of speaking at Baseball Chapel in Syracuse for the Chiefs.   He took me through more villages and another city.  We also visited in the home of one of the members of the church and got to share the gospel with that member’s wife who has yet to trust in Jesus. 

Wednesday – I went back to Josiah’s House with the team, and we painted two more buildings on the outside.  After three days, three buildings got a facelift and a ministry was encouraged.  It was an honor and a privilege. 

Thursday – We took the entire team to Craig’s village – San Jose, where he met with us and another group and shared his testimony and missions strategy.  It was powerful.  We sat there for more than 90 minutes and listened to God challenge us through the heart of a man whose life has God’s hand all over it.  We then travelled to a school called Emmanuel House – which educates nearly 150 students who would be ostracized or marginalized for various reasons were that school not there.  From there we travelled to El Pinion and saw a church that outgrew its facility so a second church was built by a team earlier this year.  We met this humble, confident pastor and heard his testimony and had prayer with him. 

Friday – We visited the capitol – Santa Domingo – and got some great history from a five year missionary here – Charles Carter – who led us through a tour of the city and gave us insight into this nation.  We relaxed by the ocean this afternoon, and after dinner this evening have packed to go home.  It’s been an amazing week. 

The highlights for me have been:
1.     Growing in fellowship with the team that served here this week.
2.     Encouraging missionaries, hearing their stories and being inspired by the Lord through them.
3.     Teaching pastors and leaders the word of God, and encouraging them in the work of the Lord.
4.     Sharing the gospel with a woman who is about 70 years old, whose husband recently came to Christ but she has yet to trust Jesus as Lord. 
5.     To see up close and personal the work of God in this country,
6.     To thank God for those being rescued from sex-trafficking and ministered to effectively and profoundly by caring mentors. 
7.     To be challenged that God’s plan is best and that He is worthy of all glory.
8.     To see young and older serve God with all their hearts together. 
9.     To walk alongside those who are on their first mission trip, and know they will never be the same. 
10.  Hearing God speak to my heart again through His word, prayer, and His people. 
11.  To see the value of serving with others for a few days together, and the difference it can make in everyone for the glory of the Lord. 

Tomorrow – Saturday – we head back to our homes in the United States – but more confident than ever that our citizenship is in heaven, and we will do whatever it takes to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ so more can know Him!  Hallelujah!

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