Back in July I took a retreat - typical for me - every three months to get away for three days and two nights as I am able. I do this to hear from the Lord, and for the work of the Lord here at Northside, and in more recent months to plan out preaching for the months to come. We were in a series on the book of Jonah. I had brought a book with me called 'I Will' by Thom Rainer that we planned to use for a series and life groups emphasis in the fall.
I was led to Luke 2 and the verse that described who was in the manger - Mary, Joseph and Jesus. 'Who's That in The Manger?' would become our Christmas series for 2016. In addition, He put it on my heart to teach the beatitudes from Matthew 5:1-12 to begin 2017 in a series that will be called 'From Broken to Blessed'. Upon return to Northside, we began to work on final details of scheduling and length of series. 'I Will' would become a seven-week series. Rebound would be the next to follow.

Each week we've had homework. Week 1, I challenged the church to read 1 and 2 Peter - two letters toward the end of the New Testament inspired by God that He chose to use Peter to write. Week 2 was to read and meditate on Psalm 51, written by David after he had sinned. It's the story of his rebound. Week 3 we were challenged to live in Ephesians 4 - particularly verse 26-33. Week 4 we focused on the gospel prayer and the reminder there is nothing we can do to make Him love us more, and nothing we have done to make Him love us less. Week 5 we have been challenged to read Romans 5 and see the contrast of the fall because of Adam, and the free gift of salvation because of Jesus.
During the series, I've heard the stories of people who are experiencing rebounds in their lives. This morning I spoke with a friend out of town who has been listening each week online. I also think the Lord is causing Northside to Rebound. After some seasons of drop in attendance (we averaged 899 for the series 'I Will'), we have averaged 1004 for the series Rebound.
During the 'I Will' series we discussed Thom Rainer's observations about why churches decline. We admitted that we were in decline - having peaked at 1300 in 2010 after growing from 82 in 1993. Rainer says that churches decline because people don't 'Go' anymore - or in other words we aren't intentional. We forget our Jerusalem and the needs right around us and to the ends of the earth. I believe it was a defining moment - Go - or die.
Now we head to Christmas and the new year with the reminder that the gospel is the great love of God beyond measure. For the sake of every soul at Northside now, and for the 92000 who live within 5 miles and the 440,000 who live in this county, we are going to keep the fire burning!!! Those numbers are important because every number is a person.
Perhaps you are facing a situation where you need a rebound. You are in a place where you never expected to be. Peter denied Jesus. David slept with another man's wife and murdered her husband. Moses lost it - in anger in front of the people of God - and it cost him greatly. A woman experienced horrific shame and scorn. Adam and Eve felt the weight of sin for the first time in their lives because of disobedience. But Peter was restored. David was forgiven. Moses experienced a remarkable rebound. The woman found salvation and freedom instead of condemnation and Adam and Eve experienced the reality that God pursues those who even try to hide from Him, and will send the Messiah as the cure for our sin.
Wherever you are today, God has a rebound for you. Run to Him. Look to Him. Trust Him. It's life's greatest rebound!!!
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