Wednesday, March 1, 2017

When God Heals

I just finished listening to a message by Jim Cymbala, pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle.  As I listened it took me back to a day a few years ago and then I also thought of today.  This morning, I saw on social media the plea of a fellow pastor to pray for his grandson and surgery this morning.  I called and prayed with that brother and for his family.  Two days ago I stood in the hospital with a family from Northside and prayed for them and all who would be involved in a very challenging surgery.

God is a healer.  I have no doubt.  He can heal instantly or He may choose do so by surgery.  Now to be sure, I've prayed for people to be healed, and they weren't.  That doesn't mean God is not able.  It does mean He is God and He knows what He is doing and I trust Him.  This post was triggered by the memory of being at the Brooklyn Tabernacle somewhere around 2014.  That night I gave a huge request to the Lord for the healing of one of our daughter's who was battling scoliosis.  It seemed in the months to follow that God did not heal.  But a few months later He did - through surgery.

Whatever you are believing God for - keep praying!!!  This morning I read '. . .  for I am the LORD your healer.'  Exodus 15:26  God is able.  God has a plan.  Call on His name.  It may not turn out the way you anticipated, but He will hear and answer - and when He does - He will get the glory! He is perfect in all of His ways!  Maybe it's physical healing, or emotional, or relational, or any number of other needs that may be flooding your soul right now - the Lord is your healer.  Trust Him.  Turn to Him.  He loves you.  He always has and He always will.  Don't give up now!  Call upon the Lord!

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