Today is one of those sentimental days. My wife has gone north to visit her parents and enjoy precious time with them. I'm taking care of a few things on the home front and getting some work done. I've been a little nostalgic for sure. It took me down the road and by the house we lived in for 19 years. I love our current home, but I just wanted to see again the place where we have 19 years of memories.
Later, I found a picture of our son. The picture is of his soccer days with the Salt City Raptors. They were a powerful team. He was a very good player. I love the picture. It has him heading up the field with a focus and determination that has been his heart from the start. To be honest, I see that heart in each of our kids. Dave, however, is a fierce competitor. He doesn't like to lose. I actually admire him for that.
Dave played with amazing alertness, quickness, skill, determination and a desire to succeed - or win. I also love that the picture has his coach directly in the not so distant background. If a picture is worth a thousand words - then here is how I translate it for us today. We are all on the field of life, but this is no game. We should live with focus, determination, a rightly directed passion, and desire to succeed - as believers - particularly in the will of the Lord.
The cool part is that our coach is also close by - He sees us, He knows us and He is coaching us - that is the Lord of course. But better than that, He has given us the Holy Spirit who is in us. He's not just watching us, He is indwelling us and empowering us. That's amazing. So, press on in the will of God for the glory of God. On Dwight L. Moody's tombstone, in Northfield, Massachusetts, are the words in the old King James Version from 1 John - 'He that doeth the will of God abideth forever'. Focus on God's will like Dave did that soccer ball and head up field with hope in your heart and don't give up on all that God is doing and wants to do in your life.
I talked with a friend today from out of town. He is a precious gift from the Lord. We don't talk often but when we do it is always valuable. That's the way friends are. I needed him today. His last words to me this morning were 'win the day'. Sort of reminds me of Jesus - 'live one day at a time'. My pray for you today is - 'win the day'. That's my new objective and I challenge you to make it yours.
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