This past Saturday, I gave blood. I hate to give blood. I do not like needles and the thought of one being stuck in my arm for an extended period of time is one of the least pleasant thoughts I could have. On top of that, through the years those who have drawn blood from me at times have had a hard time finding the veins. But this is what you need to know: I didn't do it to prove a point, and I didn't do it because I enjoy it. I did it because it matters.
A lady in our church was once in an accident, and in the next three days she received 70 units of blood. She helped host the blood drive at Northside this past Saturday as she often does. Her husband was there as were two of their sons. Their first son died as a result of that accident. God has miraculously blessed them with two more. Whenever I see Jamie and Katie, along with their two sons, I am highly motivated to sign up for the blood drive.
As I lay on the table, I listened to some music and reflected on many things. You see I was there the night of Katie's accident, and I am still overwhelmed with gratitude that she is alive today. She was walking through the valley of the shadow of death, but God spared her. He also used the blood of many people to help sustain her through those critical hours.
I thought Saturday of the verse in James that says 'Faith without works is dead.' In that passage of Scripture - in it's broader context we read of three kinds of faith - one is a dead faith - no evidence of the saving grace of God demonstrated through good works. One is demonic faith - knowing about God - but certainly no surrender to his Lordship. One is dynamic faith - not a faith that is secured by works - but a faith that works.
No one is saved by good deeds. The truth is we all have sinned. Someone else gave His blood for that purpose. Jesus did. The blood of Jesus covers the sins of all who place their trust in Him. That was the greatest blood donation of all time.
As the attending person from the Red Cross gave me my final instructions, took care of the blood I had given and was about to let me leave, I reached in my pocket and pulled out a magnet with the information about our Easter services on it. I said - actually - I'm the pastor of this church - and I would love to invite you to our services at the Oncenter. I believe that she and her husband may attend. I'm praying they do - or one of our weekend services before or after that as I told her about them as well.
I didn't give blood for my salvation. Jesus did that. I gave blood so someone can live another day to learn of Him and be saved, or live for Him and bring others to Christ. I was reminded again, that faith without works is dead. We were created in Christ Jesus unto good works. It's time to go for it.
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