Wednesday, December 5, 2012

There's Something About the Water

Today I am at a place by a lake.  It's a day of study and prayer.  There's something about the water.  Jesus spent a lot of time on the water or near the water.  I don't know all the reasons why but it fascinates me.  The longer I live I think I know at least some of the reasons why.  For some it's the mountains, for some it's the water, but for all it's the creator who made it all.  

There's something peaceful about the water at times.  David said, 'He leads me beside still waters.'  There's a reason for that.  Sheep are afraid of rushing waters.  The Lord is our peace and He leads us in every situation with a deep peace in our hearts.  

As I look at this lake today, I am amazed at it's grandeur and more than that I am aware that it is extremely deep.  It serves as the water supply for the city of Syracuse.  To be sure I'm not worshiping a lake but I am worshiping the creator of it all and the reminder that He is so much greater than I could ever imagine.  

This lake, as large as it appears, is but a speck on a map of the world.  My life is a much smaller speck.  Even so, the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.  So worship Him today.  He loves you.  Let Him lead you by the still waters.  

And if you are in a storm, remember this:  if Jesus is in the boat, you are going to be fine.  In fact in that story in Scripture, He was asleep in the back of the boat.  He got up and calmed the storm.  He is able.  He is great.  He is amazing.  Worship Him.  Love Him.  Look to Him this Christmas.