Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Blessing of a Godly Wife

As I'm approaching Father's Day, I'm grateful for a lot of things and many people.  I'm thinking of my father, and my father-in-law and will have more to say about them in another post.  This afternoon, on the eve of Father's Day, I'm reminded of the many reasons I love my wife.  I want to list sixteen of them.  They are in no particular order.  

1.  She is hard working.
2.  She is pretty.
3.  She loves Jesus.
4.  She loves her family.
5.  She loves me.
6.  She is very giving.
7.  She loves the Word of God.
8.  She has mercy and grace.
9.  She lives free.
10.  She is loyal.
11.  She seeks God first.
12.  She is easily content.
13.  She loves her parents.
14.  She loves my family.
15.  She loves life.
16.  She loves the local church and ministry.

For all these reasons, and a million more, I would marry her a thousands times again without a second thought.  I love you, Kathy Aubrey.