Thursday, November 28, 2013


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  It has been for a long time, and continues to be.  It seems simpler and a little more stress free.  There is less commercialism associated with the holiday.  It's pretty much just family, food, and football.  Well - I don't need the football - but I'll take it.  It's also a profound time to reflect and be grateful.  Life slows down for a bit and the things that matter most are more clearly in focus.

Today I am most thankful for the cross of Christ, the resurrection of Jesus and the eternal hope we have in Him.  There is no greater gift than the Lord Jesus.  Today I am grateful for Norman Bell leaving North Carolina to come to New York and minister for a number of years from 1960 until the 1980's.  When I was two years old, God sent a man to New York who would lead another minister to the Lord about 12 years later and that man would be assigned to our church and become our pastor.

I'm thankful for Lanny Fox, who preached Jesus at the Burke Methodist Church and influenced me to Christ.  I'm thankful for Frank Wood - our pastor from 1978-1982 who in just four short years, baptized me, licensed me to the ministry, ordained me to the ministry, directed me to the right seminary, believed in me, prayed for me, was there for me and my family when my father died, preached my father's funeral, and performed Kathy and my wedding ceremony.

I'm grateful for my father and mother.  I have a great heritage and I'm forever grateful.  I'm grateful for growing up on a farm and learning the values of faith, family, and hard work.  I'm grateful to have witnessed the laws of sowing and reaping for many years and helping prepare my heart for ministry in a way that God still uses to this day.

I'm so grateful for my wife.  No one could be a better partner in life and in ministry.  I cherish our marriage and our memories.  I look forward to making many more memories together until we see Jesus.  Kathy keeps me balanced.  She believes in me, loves me, encourages me and stands with me.  Next to the Holy Spirit, she will always be my greatest cheerleader.  I love her so much.

I'm grateful for our kids.  It's hard to believe that 8, 5 and 2 are now 29, 26, 23 and 14.  This thanksgiving we are spread out.  Kathy and I will host dinner at home.  Dave and Emily will join us and my Mom is with us.  I'm grateful for this day.  Our two oldest daughters are cooking their first thanksgiving dinners and hosting friends and family in their own homes - one in Ohio and one in Michigan.  I'm proud of them and blessed to be their Dad!  I miss them but celebrate the blessings in their lives.  Andrea and Charity, you are amazing women and I love you!

I'm grateful for two godly son-in-laws.  Matthew and Joshua.  I'm grateful they know Jesus and love Him first.  I'm grateful they love their wives who happen to be my daughters.  I'm grateful they are good providers, protectors and spiritual leaders.  I'm blessed to have them in my life.

I'm grateful for two beautiful granddaughters.  The love I have for them is greater than I could have imagined.  I pray for them and I bless them in the name of Jesus.  They bring great joy to my life and put a smile on my face every day.

I'm grateful for the call to serve Jesus.  Last night my wife and I went to a hospital emergency room to minister to a family in an hour of great need.  I'm nobody - but Jesus is everything.  To be the reminder to a hurting family that the Lord has not forgotten them is one of the greatest privileges in life.  My heart still aches for their pain this morning - but I know the Lord will sustain them even in life's darkest hours.  He is the good shepherd.  Everyone needs a pastor - including me - and I'm thankful for mine for the last 19 years - Jeff O'Brien - as we've served the Lord together.  Even this week, he was helpful and offered me great counsel on a simple decision.  I'm grateful for that.

I'm grateful for the seasons of life.  To be honest - I struggle a little with this one - but today I am choosing to move forward with nothing but gratitude.  I miss the days when all the kinds were here - but to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven.  God has a plan.  It's fun to watch it unfold.  So - I'm about to enjoy what I have for 55 years of life.  Family, friends, food, and football!

Most of all I'm thankful for faith - the Lord Himself.  He is the hope that is steadfast and sure.  He is the anchor for my soul.  From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same, the Lord's name is to be praised.  Hallelujah!  and - Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Memories on a Beach

            More than 18 years ago, God opened a door for our family to come to a beautiful island in North Carolina annually.  Our three children at the time were age 10 and under.  Today they are grown and joined by their younger sister.  For years, sometimes twice a year, we have enjoyed this remarkable place. 
            This week I had the privilege of introducing our leadership team from Northside to this place.  We are seeking the Lord together for the coming months and years.  God is working in our midst and I am very grateful. 
            Today during a break, I headed to the beach and enjoyed a walk/run.  I wanted to get to the area that is where our family enters the beach when we are here.  As I approached it at first I didn’t think much about the family that was there.  But soon I did a double take.
            You see this is the off-season.  There aren’t many tourists here, though it is mild and a beautiful time of year.  I’ve never been here in the fall.  God speaks in this place.  He never fails to personalize a message profoundly.  So – back to the family I saw.
            A Mom and Dad and three kids were playing on the beach.  The children were young and so were the parents.  I instantly flashed back to our first trip here with three young children.  Then slowly the tape fast-forwarded in my mind I was overwhelmed with memories all the way up to the week this past summer that included two granddaughters being here with us. 
            Life is fast and furious at times, but I will never regret slowing down the pace to meet with Him, and to spend time with my family.  I want to encourage you to find a place and make great memories.  You may already have one.  Even Jesus would withdraw to rest.  We must do the same.
            This past Sunday morning, spending time with the Lord alone at the beach, I read this:  ‘But I have trusted in your faithful love; my heart will rejoice in Your deliverance.  I will sing to the LORD because He has treated me generously.’  Psalm 13:5-6.  I was reminded of that again today taking a walk on a beach . . . 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Beauty at the Lake

            It’s a beautiful day in Central New York.  It’s one of those perfect fall days.  It’s sunny, warm and calm.  It’s been a very busy week.  Kathy and I began the week by worshiping and serving at Northside, and thank God for all He is doing there.  Then we headed to Buffalo area for the Baptist Convention of New York annual meeting being reminded again that even churches are better together.
            Upon our return home, my mind quickly turned to the message I would preach this weekend.  It was a process for sure as I agonized and prayed over the direction and the message.  This morning, I came to the office early.  Then I headed to the gym for a workout.  Following that, I returned to the office to continue work and sermon preparation.  After hours of contemplation, prayer, study, and preparation, the outline came together.  I was ready for a break. 
            I texted my wife and asked if she would like to go for a picnic at the park by the lake with me.  She was all for that and it was perfect timing for both of us.  We both grabbed a book – she was reading one by Kelly Minter, and I’m reading the new ‘All In’ by Mark Batterson.  Lunch was great at a picnic table by Onondaga Lake – where from Willow Bay you can see the city of Syracuse on the horizon. 
            We ventured out on the rocks and sat by the marker that is by the channel leading to the river.  We talked.  We laughed.  We heard the sounds of a fish that was doing some jumping out of the water.  We read.  We were challenged by the Lord there today and refreshed by the one who is the redeemer of our souls. 
            I brought a second booklet with me, and after finishing a section of ‘All In’, I proceeded to work through the Matthew Manual for tonight’s training session for ‘My Hope with Billy Graham’.  It’s all about bringing people to Jesus.  God is amazing in so many ways and one of those ways is His timing.  Just before we left a boat came up near us, stopped, turned on the trolling motor, and two men began to fish within a few yards of us. 
            They both caught fish!  I’m reminded of Jesus telling Peter – you will no longer catch fish – but people.  God is in the people business.  I was also struck by the fact that two fishermen caught more than one alone.  My prayer is that every believer sees the urgency of bringing people to Jesus and reaches out with the love of Jesus constantly.  That would be a beautiful thing.
            I made some important decisions by that water today.  I was touched in my heart by my beautiful Savior.  It was beauty at the lake today.  The beauty of the day for me was the beauty sitting next to me, my wife of 31 years.  She makes me stronger.  She shares my dreams.  She loves me and encourages me.  I love you, Kathy.  We really are better together.  Yes, today was beauty at the lake.  I pray for many more days just like that.  Until the next one, I’m going fishing and I’m going to teach some people to fish . . . for souls.  

Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Night to Remember

Somehow I knew this day would come.  The truth is, it has come quicker than I thought it would.  18 years ago, our family began to vacation on a beautiful island on the coast of North Carolina.  Ocean Isle Beach, became like a second home to us.  It was and is a place of rest, rejuvenation, and revival. 
            Our kids were 10, 7 and 4 that first trip here.  Today they are 28, 25, 22, and since then we were wonderfully blessed with another who is 13.  As the years have gone by, they have all been here many times but in recent years, life, jobs, family, and timing didn’t always allow us to be here together.
            Through the years Kathy and I would watch as families would come to various rental properties and we realized that there would come a day when we too would rent a larger place and invite our family to join us and bring their families. 
In recent years we began talking and anticipating that moment more and more.  This summer begins that new season.  In the words of Richard Blackaby – that’s not a winter – but another spring – in the seasons of life!
            Kathy sent out the email to our kids weeks ago and we set the date and secured the property.  Our oldest daughter and her family, our son, and our youngest daughter are all here with us.  # 3 and her husband are missing due to a recent move and job/school transitions.  We miss them a lot but are hopeful for next year!
            Tonight, I asked our oldest granddaughter if she would like to go to the ocean.  That eighteen month old beauty seemed interested and soon we had an entourage.  Her mommy, her uncle, and her young aunt and grandpa were headed a few yards to the beach access and the biggest sandbox this girl has ever played in. 
            Emily (our youngest) was carrying my granddaughter, and we lagged behind our oldest two a bit.  I watched as #1, and #2 child – now 28, and 25 and all grown up, walked together to the beach.  It’s a moment I will cherish for the rest of my life.  I thought of how little they see each other, but how much they love each other, and how glad they were to be together again. 
            As we approached the ocean, I watched three of my kids make their way into the ocean and swim together and I cherished the thought that they were renewing and strengthening their already strong relationships.  My son-in-law was on a fishing trek on the other end of the island, that I’m sure was a wonderful experience for him and for that I was also grateful.  My wife was being grandma and cherishing time with the youngest grandbaby back at the rental house. 
            And me?  I was playing in the sand with our oldest granddaughter.  I could have stayed there forever.  Life moves quickly but God is so good.  Cherish the moments, and make new memories.  

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Blessing of a Godly Wife

As I'm approaching Father's Day, I'm grateful for a lot of things and many people.  I'm thinking of my father, and my father-in-law and will have more to say about them in another post.  This afternoon, on the eve of Father's Day, I'm reminded of the many reasons I love my wife.  I want to list sixteen of them.  They are in no particular order.  

1.  She is hard working.
2.  She is pretty.
3.  She loves Jesus.
4.  She loves her family.
5.  She loves me.
6.  She is very giving.
7.  She loves the Word of God.
8.  She has mercy and grace.
9.  She lives free.
10.  She is loyal.
11.  She seeks God first.
12.  She is easily content.
13.  She loves her parents.
14.  She loves my family.
15.  She loves life.
16.  She loves the local church and ministry.

For all these reasons, and a million more, I would marry her a thousands times again without a second thought.  I love you, Kathy Aubrey.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Seize the Moment/Enjoy the Day!

I'm sitting in the Cleveland airport on my way to visit my daughter and her family.  One more flight and I'm there.  I will join my wife who has been there for nearly a week.  We are anticipating the arrival of our second grandchild!  These are blessed days.  I can hardly wait to give my oldest daughter a huge hug and let her know how proud I am of her and encourage her, and her dear family.  I've long felt that to keep my fire burning, I need faith, family and friends.  I am blessed to have all three.

FAITH - Last night, and this morning, I joined with others to worship the Lord.  From the opening moments of the service last night - I knew how much I needed that time with the Lord.  It's true I preached, but before I ever spoke a word, I found myself longing for the Lord and grateful for the time to be with Him and His people in worship.  My heart is still burning from this morning's services.  I'm grateful for the work of the Holy Spirit in every life.  

FAMILY - I'm blessed to have an amazing wife.  She's been away for the last few days, but I know she is right where she needs to be.  I'm proud of her for so many reasons.  I love the way she loves Jesus most of all.  I love how she has stood with me and loved me for these 30+ years of life together as husband and wife.  I love how she loves our children.  They respect her so much.  And as a grandma?  Well, she's the best.  We call her the grand ole' Aubrey!!!  (No - she's not old!!! - but she is grand!!!)  I love my kids.  I love my two son-in-laws and I love our grandchildren.  I'm hoping to meet number 2 very soon.  We are so looking forward to her arrival.

FRIENDS - Over the years, God has blessed me with amazing friends.  At every station of ministry and every season of life I have been blessed.  Growing up it was Peter Kriff - my wonderful Jewish friend - who to this day stays connected and encourages me.  In seminary it was our president - Dr. Gray Allison - with whom I spoke just the other night by phone.  He's up in his late 80's now but still so strong in life and in the Lord.  At each church where I have served, I've been blessed with strong friends, and Northside is no exception.  They help keep the fire burning.

If your faith is floundering, read the word of God and seek the Lord.  If your family is struggling, wrap your arms around them and ask God to fill your hearts with His love.  If your friends are few - be one!!!  Never take them for granted.  Encourage one another.  One of the lessons my friends have taught me is seize the day.  So - when Kathy said - buy a one way and get out here and drive back with me - it was an easy decision.  It's a privilege to invest in and spend time with family.  You will never regret that.  Neither will I.  Don't live a life of regrets.  Rejoice in the blessings God has sent your way.  Enjoy the day!  

Monday, April 22, 2013

Everybody Needs a Pastor

I am a pastor.  It's my calling.  It's a privilege.  My son is a pastor.  My son-in-law is a pastor.  Josh and I meet on Monday nights for an hour to talk ministry - Paul/Timothy style.  I was Josh's pastor for nearly ten years before he was my son-in-law.  In a few short months he and my daughter are headed to seminary.  We are enjoying these weekly meetings to talk ministry before the next transition stage in Josh's life.  The last two weeks as part of our hour we have taken a few minutes to call a pastor who has impacted my life and whom I hold in high regard.  Last week it was Pastor George Jackman from New Hampshire.  Tonight it was my pastor - Frank Wood.  He's from Georgia, and is serving there now.  I have more pastors on my list and we will have rich conversations with them in the weeks to come.  

Pastor Wood did not know we were going to call, but when he answered and we had him on speaker phone we were in for an amazing blessing for the next twenty minutes.  As I listened to Frank speak into Josh's life my eyes filled with tears.  I realized how deeply I was impacted by a man who was my pastor for about four years.  Frank spent four years in New York, but everyone who has ever heard me preach or been impacted for good by the Lord through my life has seen Frank's life.  His love for Jesus, his own family, the church he served as pastor, and the community where he served were a model for me to this day.  

Pastor Frank baptized me, licensed me to the ministry, ordained me and married Kathy and me.  When I moved to seminary just a year after my father died, he followed in a few days and brought my Mom with him and his family to be a part of the opening days of the seminary called Founder's Days.  He connected me with a pastor in Tennessee who invited me to serve with him and I served that church for seven years.  As we closed our conversation tonight, I asked him to pray for Josh.  As I listened to my pastor from years ago pray for my son-in-law and pray for me, I was deeply touched.  I was reminded that everybody needs a pastor - someone who serves as a shepherd to the Lord's flock.  

I'm not the perfect pastor - far from it.  But I'm not sure I've ever been more grateful for the privilege to serve the Lord and His people in this way than I am tonight.  If you are a pastor and are reading this, I want you to know that what you do matters.  You are making a difference in some young man today who may call you in thirty years and thank you for your ministry in his life.  This world is in a mess.  Jesus is the answer.  Press on pastor.  It's a privilege.  Everybody needs a pastor.  I have been blessed with some great ones to this very day.  Frank Wood, there will never be a better one.  I am grateful for you.  Your footprint is on my heart.  To God be the glory - and to Northside - the flock I serve with now - thank you for the privilege.  It's an honor.  

Monday, April 8, 2013

A Wedding, A Church, and a Trip Home

When I was young in ministry, I dreaded doing wedding ceremonies.  There was always a lot of anxiety, many people wanting certain things this way or that way.  At times I had deep concerns about the couple getting married and whether or not they were ready to get married.  Also, weddings can have a lot of drama with them.  At times, they bring out the worst in people.  To be honest - funerals were almost easier.  Don't get me wrong - and believe me I don't like funerals - but in that hour people are just grateful for comfort and your presence, and I was grateful to be a messenger of hope.

Now, it's the opposite.  I dread funerals.  I've seen enough pain in my life.  I've witnessed enough suffering.  I've watched hundreds of people weep in hospitals, funeral homes, churches and gravesides in my 35 years of ministry.  I'm still grateful for the opportunity to minister comfort and encouragement to those who are hurting and to be a reminder to them of the hope that is ours in Jesus Christ.  However, I long for that land where there is no more pain, no more tears, and no more suffering.

Weddings have taken on a new meaning to me.  Having been married now for more than 30 years, and being blessed to share those years with an amazing wife, I'm pretty stoked about marriage.  You make memories that are amazing.  You go through tough times and happy times but you go through them together and come out stronger.  You raise a family and then have grandchildren!  You watch your kids struggle at times but more often then not thrive in ways beyond your own abilities or expecations.  It's amazing.

Saturday night at 4pm, I stood outside in the beautiful New York spring with the sun shining with the bride and groom, their attendants and maybe 125 guests to join a man and woman in marriage.  I have a lot of hope for them.  I'm excited about their future.  They have GREAT days ahead of them.  To be the one to lead them in that moment was an honor and a privilege.

Sunday, we drove home, but decided to go through Albany so we could attend the church of a young pastor we hold in high regard.  Pastor Roscoe Lilly has been a friend for the last five years.  We've learned from each other, and he has spoken at Keep the Fire Burning (our pastors/leaders conference), as well as the weekend services at Northside.  To visit Northstar Church in Clifton Park and see the work that God is doing through Roscoe, his wife Maryanna and that fellowship was a wonderful blessing.

The gospel still works.  It works in the hearts of individuals, in marriages, and in families.  It also works in any community where His word is preached and His heart is expressed through His body - the church.  I saw it again this weekend and it made a difference in my life.  I pray He can use me to make a difference this week.  All for His glory!!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

West Point, Day 2 - More Soldiers

We visited West Point for the second day on Saturday of this week.  We were to meet up with the young captain who would be marrying his bride later that day.  His face was full of smiles, and his heart seemed full of joy.  I love to watch the Lord bring together a godly man and a godly woman and join their lives together.  Two are better than one and a three fold cord is not easily broken.  A husband, wife and Jesus is a three fold cord not easily broken.

There was a surprise to our day.  For Kathy and I, it was a God moment.  We had learned from a Northside Mom, that one of her three grown sons was now a freshman at West Point and wanted to connect with us while we were there.  I gave her my contact information and I soon got a call from him.  I told him we were headed to the campus and he said he would meet us there.  Within fifteen minutes we shared a happy reunion with this young soldier.  Having taken 'the windshield tour' the night before, we walked the campus with a 25 year old Captain who had graduated in '09, and a 'plebe' in his freshman year.

It was remarkable.  One was filled with excitement, knowledge and anticipation.  He's already a good soldier, and I have every confidence will be a great soldier.  The other is a graduate, an army ranger, has served for a year deployed to difficult areas, and just made Captain.  In fact, just over three weeks after his wedding day, he will be deployed for a second time, and his wife will be deployed later this summer.  Pray for them both please.  This soldier's mood was somber but also strong and deliberate.  He, too, is a great soldier.

We strolled the campus.  We saw the parade field, classroom buildings, dorm buildings, and numerous statues that serve as reminders of strong leaders in our nation's history.  We saw Washington on his horse, then there was Douglas MacArthur, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and General George S. Patton.  We found powerful quotes etched in stone, and witnessed the combination of amazing history and a hopeful present.

I have never served in the United States military, but have always had the deep respect for those who have and do.  When three soldiers walked in Northside almost three years ago, I had no idea they would all become life long friends.  They had driven almost an hour and a half to church that day - one way - and continued to do that.  I've learned a lot from them.  The day I met them, the Lord whispered to my heart - you need to be more like a soldier.  Paul wrote to Timothy about that in the New Testament.

What I learned about that this weekend is that there have been many soldiers in the battles in the past, there are some with great seasoning today.  Others are established but earlier in their careers, and then there is the vibrancy, intellect and enthusiasm of a first year student at West Point that gives me hope for the future of my country.

Lord - make us all faithful soldiers!!!

Friday, April 5, 2013

West Point

Today I visited West Point for the first time in my life.  I recall riding past it on the other side of the Hudson river on a train.  Today, Kathy and I traveled here for a wedding I will be officiating this weekend.

There is so much history here.  It was hard to even begin to grasp.  How many young cadets have passed through here, serving this country that we love with their all.  Tomorrow, I am blessed to perform the marriage of two graduates. 

The parents of the bride are both graduates.  In fact, they currently live on post.  I looked out the window of their home to a spectacular view of the Hudson river.  I saw young soldiers running and enjoying a beautiful day. 

In another surreal moment, I met the bride’s younger brother who is a sophomore here, following the footsteps of his Mom, Dad, and older Sister.  Amazing.  Simply amazing.  I admire these soldiers for many reasons. 

From one generation to another, we pass on faith, values, courage, and hope.  It’s been a wonderful day.  I’m confident tomorrow will be as well.  Lord you are good.  I am very grateful.  

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Where You Never Have to Leave

Today is our last full day at our favorite vacation spot.  We've been coming here for almost 18 years now.  In recent years, we have been blessed to enjoy a week in the winter and a week in the summer.  I may be biased, but I think Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina is one of the most beautiful places in the world.  Kathy and I love the ocean, and always find this place inspirational.

My favorite day here is the day we arrive.  I love seeing this place again, enjoying the beauty and serenity.  Plus, I know we have the whole week ahead of us.  Each day, I find myself counting how many days we have left.  I do it every trip, and I did it again this time.  We have our favorite lunch spots, breakfast spots, golf courses, and frankly we just love to spend time at the house and at the beach.  We also enjoy the opportunity to minister at the Ocean Isle Beach Chapel.

Today as I was thinking about leaving tomorrow, I realized I rarely leave this place without tears in my eyes.  I'm grateful for having had one more week here.  I'm thanking God for things He has said to me, and I know I will miss this place again.  Don't get me wrong - I love Syracuse, I love home, and I love my family and my church family.  I'm very grateful for the ministry we have the privilege of sharing in and I'm excited about the days ahead.

It hit me today that one of the many blessings of heaven is that we will never have to leave there!  It will be the most beautiful place - by far - we have ever seen.  The most amazing person is there we have ever known - the Lord!!!  Our labors, toils, and burdens will be gone, and there will be no sickness and no death.  What an amazing place it is I am sure.

That having been said, I want to live every day to the fullest here, learn the lessons I need to learn, and tell more people about Jesus.  Because I also know that heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.  You won't get there without knowing Jesus.  He is the way, the truth and the life.  Surrender your life to Him today.  Turn from sin, trust the Savior and surrender your life to Him.  Invite Him into your life and trust Him as Lord.

I dread saying goodbye to our vacation spot tomorrow.  I am however, looking forward to more days of ministry in Liverpool.  And this I know for sure - one day - because of what Jesus did - I will be in a place far better and I will never have to leave!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Knowing the What but missing the Who

For too long we have turned discipleship into what you know.  Pilate asked 'What is truth?'  The real question as one of my professors (Dr. David Wheeler) has said is 'Who is truth?'  That's the question Pilate needed answered!  Jesus said, 'I am the the way, the truth, and the life.'  (John 14:6).  Spiritual growth is important and necessary, but Christianity is at the root a relationship.

I love to read, and have benefited form many books and have a stack on a desk I'm working at right now.  However, when God chose to speak the most personally to us - He became a man and dwelt among us.  I am learning that the reason so many people get frustrated in life and in ministry is because they focus on the 'what' instead of the 'who'.

The Lord promises Himself to His people.  Fall in love with Him again.  Embrace the love, joy and peace that come from knowing Him.  Bring people to Jesus, and encourage them to bring people to Jesus, who will bring people to Jesus.  Multiply the impact.  At the end of the day, it's all about Jesus.  What a Savior!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Bring People to Jesus

The Bible says that Andrew went and found his brother Peter and brought him to Jesus.  (see John 1:40-42).  Can you imagine what was going on in the heart of Andrew.  He just met Jesus, and that was an amazing moment in his life.  He couldn't imagine keeping it to himself, so he thinks of his brother, Peter.  He goes to find him, and brought him to Jesus.

I can think of no greater privilege than to bring people to Jesus, for salvation, sanctification, satisfaction and service.  He is Lord, Savior, Redeemer, the Wonderful Counselor, Refuge, Messiah, Healer, Creator, the Mighty God.

My prayer this week, is that we focus on every opportunity God puts in our paths to point someone to the one who matters most - Jesus Christ.