Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Lessons on the way to the doctor

I don't like being sick.  I've been battling a cold for five days.  I'm ready to move on and be done with it.  Today I went to my doctor's office and was seen by one of his staff.  They were helpful and I should be on the road to recovery.  It's what I saw on the way there and in the waiting room that I can't get off my mind.

In the elevator I saw a young Mom with her baby in a stroller.  My mind went immediately to my grandsons.  I missed them greatly in that moment.  I have two daughters who are young moms and I am so grateful for both of them and their families.

Upon arrival at the doctor's office, I sat to wait for my appointment.  In the process an elderly man came in and was later assisted by someone I presume to be his daughter.  He was older, struggling to breathe, and my mind raced again.  I thought - if Jesus doesn't come first and I don't die younger, how will I handle that stage of life?  I want to do it well.  Granted it's a number of years away, but it impacted me today

Then on the ride home I listened to Fox News on the radio and heard more about the troubles of this world, most notably the riots in Baltimore.  The images from the morning TV shows are ingrained in my mind.  On top of that there is disaster in Nepal with now more than 4600 reported dead.  Tensions are building with Iran and there is so much strife in the world.

In the midst of it all, Jesus is still the answer.  He is mighty.  He is Lord.  He is Savior.  He's our only hope.  Please join me in praying that every day God gives us breath we will use it to share the glorious good news of the gospel with love and compassion and that many will come to Christ at every age and every stage of life.  God has a purpose for your life.  Never doubt that!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

When Life Comes Full Circle

Today I’m sitting in the lobby/student center at Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.  My son-in-law is a student here.  He’s 24 years old.  When I was his age, I was a seminary student at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary in Memphis, Tennessee.  Walking in this building today, I’m reminded my school days are done.  I not only finished that degree, but recently another graduate degree at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.  I’ve done what I believe the Lord wanted me to do.  I didn’t go to have titles added to my name, or letters at the end of it.  I did it to sharpen the axe and be the best equipped I can be for the ministry to which God has called me.  Ultimately I did it in obedience to the Lord’s plan for my life

Ironically, I teach now as an adjunct faculty at the college where that same son-in-law graduated in 2012.  I guess I’m on the other side of the table now – but I’m still learning, and I don’t ever want to stop.  I believe the day you stop learning is the day you start dying.  I say ‘no thank you’ to that idea.  On the table before me today are books to be studied for ministry today and for a message this weekend at Northside.  I enjoy places like this, and I find the academic community stimulating to my own thinking and creativity.

I’ve had a fantastic day.  I took my Michigan daughter to breakfast while her husband was at Hebrew class, later enjoyed some amazing time with my grandson, and then we had lunch with the whole family.  Tonight Kathy and our youngest daughter will watch Sully, while his Mom and Dad get a date night.  I slipped over to the school to get some work done in the next three and a half hours.  It’s time to study some more from Luke 15:8-10.

Easter is in the rear view mirror, but the hope of the resurrection is still right in front of us.  Every day is Easter and Hallelujah is our song.  My prayer this year is that what we celebrated at Northside last weekend will not be the ‘super bowl’ of Sundays – and now it’s over.  I pray – more than ever – in these strategic times in which we live – that last weekend will serve as a launching pad to the greatest days in the history of Northside.  I pray we see more people come to Christ than ever before, and that multitudes find hope in Him.  To that end, I can’t wait for the weekend!!!

I was trained for that more than 30 years ago.  It’s the same training my son-in-law is getting now.  The gospel is for every generation.  Praise God for the cross.   Praise God for the empty tomb.  The theme of Josh’s seminary is ‘Learning, Serving, Leading . . .for Ministry . . . for Life.’  Those words greet you on the wall when you walk in and I love them.  Pray for him.  Pray for me.  Pray for lives to be impacted in Michigan, New York and all over the world for the glory of God! 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

A New Hero

This weekend, we celebrated the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.  I'm so grateful for the gospel.  I'm so grateful for Jesus.  What a privilege it is to celebrate Him.

I'm grateful for a prayer team of 10 men who carried me to the Lord faithfully this week in prayer.  I'm grateful for our staff and a host of volunteers who served the Lord effectively and graciously.  And I'm grateful for a new hero.

The choir special was led by a soloist I had not heard before, but I have seen at church often.  I usually see her in a scooter.  This weekend, at five services, she sang her heart out about the victory that is ours in Jesus Christ.  God used her greatly to remind us that there is power in the name of Jesus!!!!

There is a scene etched in my mind many would not have seen.  After she had sung at the last service, I saw her back in her scooter sitting in the front corner of the worship center. We were all singing 'Jesus, Only Jesus' and she was singing and worshiping with her hand raised to the Lord in praise out of the sight of the crowd.

I learned that she would often come to choir just to sing along.  This weekend, God raised her up to lead us to His throne.  There are many lessons, but the one that stands out is don't let your limitations become reasons for not serving the Lord.  She didn't.  We all love Jesus more because of it.  Hallelujah!  What a Savior!!!!